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  • Alfalfa


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Alfalfa is a real gift of nature.

This plant of the family of legumes has 

a nutritional elevation value. Its composition 

is rich in vitamins, minerals, micro and 

macro elements. It normalized the work 

of the blood circulation, reduces the level of 

cholesterol, protected against atherosclerosis, 

improves the intestinal microflora, relieves the 

symptoms of diabetes. 

Quantity: 100 caps. 



Политика безопасности (правится в модуле "Перестраховка клиентов")


Политика доставки (правится в модуле "Перестраховка клиентов")


Политика возврата (правится в модуле "Перестраховка клиентов")


  • alfalfa; 
  • capsule envelope: gelatin. 

Main components of the recommended dose

(6 capsules): 

  • alfalfa 2040 mg. 


  • normalize the function of the heart and blood vessels; 
  • lowers cholesterol levels and prevents atherosclerosis; 
  • relieves the condition of patients with diabetes; 
  • fuel efficiently food proteins; 
  • strengthens the immune system. 

Lifestyle requirement and benefits:

  • viral and bacterial diseases; 
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system; 
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; 
  • ménopause syndrome; 
  • exhaustion, physical weakness; 
  • cystite, urétrite, prostatite; 
  • blood diseases; 
  • prevention of anemia; 
  • periodontal disease; 
  • Illums of joints and musculoskeletal system. 

Safety Information:

  • pregnancy, lactation; 
  • individual intolerance; 
  • autoimmune diseases. 

Recommended Use:

  • 2 capsules 3 times a day during meals; 
  • do not exceed the recommended dose.